Thursday 24 October 2013

Project 2: Quest for the body beautiful!

I was going to save revealing this "treat" of a challenge until I start training fully at beginning of Feb but there is bizarrely some useful cross-over with Fan Dance training, so here goes.....

Project 2 will be me partaking in a UKBFF Body fitness contest around April/May, which is basically a body building contest where I will be competing under the category "Ladies BodyFitness", so less steroids and more fake tan I think. At the moment the fear is more about the fake tan than the complete deprivation of food or any social life but I expect the reality will kick in soon enough.

My first shock tonight was having to prep,weigh and cook food for the week and actually assume a bit more responsibility for proper nutrition than I may have otherwise. I felt the below was appropriate whilst I was trying out my "cook skinless chicken 800 ways" recipe book!

I'm lucky to have Tirrel Grant from City Athletic write my programs (

He is a seasoned fitness model and put me through my paces today for my first session. It was excellent but I did want to kill him. It's tough, very little rest. (Very little chocolate as well whilst we are on that note). The next 6 weeks or so will be based around a 3 day whole body split to build muscular endurance and to just get used to the training and nutrition. We are super-setting and using a tempo of lifting which increases the time under tension of muscle groups, so effectively you are doing a lot of "work", hence the sweating, increase in heart rate and accompanying tourettes.

These Muscular Endurance sessions should in theory be excellent for "loaded" march training so we'll see how I go with it.

I also promise not to post endless photos of my daily menu, which would bore me to tears so I will have to find something else to report about. Coming from a sporting background and functional training, the goal of obtaining perfect symmetry for aesthetics is definitely out of my comfort zone. I am anticipating posing and walking in heels is going to be a bit of a challenge and probably very undignified, as I inevitable fall flat on my face whilst trying to do my quarter turns. Hence the following photo of training, where I still can't shake the desire to "get back to basics" and basically just use an inanimate object to pull/push/climb on!

assuming the position

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