Sunday 23 March 2014

Female bodybuilding, low rep ranges and optimising the menstrual cycle

Now, I'm not sure whether this applies to other ladies out there or if it just me - but come the PMS week, I am a fairly dismal human being: tired, forgetful, humourless, libido-less, tearful and I have to fight my natural urge to do bench press with nothing more than a box of chocolates. I get extremely hot (progesterone I expect), hungry (diet most likely to fail!) and my motivation dwindles for training. To add to the indignity, I have on occasion been known to turn up at the gym still wearing my pyjama vest top, because I forgot to change.

You can scour the literature on whether strength or performance changes with hormone fluctuations of the menstrual cycle and there is very little conclusive evidence about this. The majority of evidence suggests that there are no significant changes to strength in the premenstrual phase, but as I pointed out in a previous post;

1. There are various different types of strength; speed strength, strength endurance, maximum strength etc

2. Women are very different -the physiology of a "trained" women is also  different from an "untrained" woman.

3. Scientific studies looking at strength and performance are going to be biased, because the very nature of a "testing" environment will increase motivation. Behavioural changes that accompany being watched are really interesting - the phenomenon is called the "audience effect", which refers to the impact that a passive audience has on a subject performing a task.

It is well established that motivation is a huge factor in training outcome and we are now only starting to understand some of the driving forces behind this. I talked about the role of testosterone and motivation to train in earlier posts and there is accumulating evidence to suggest this is one main mechanism to explain the correlation between testosterone levels and muscle mass (and/or strength) Increased motivation to train = greater likelihood to induce progressive overload in muscles and hence muscle growth. Intuitively it makes sense to structure heavier load training when baseline testosterone levels and motivation are higher.

Experimentation: Trial and Error

My intolerable stubbornness sometimes means the red mist descends and I will "head bash" through pre-menstrual training sessions regardless of how I feel. That is fine and works to a point but it can leave you feeling like you have been flattened by a steam roller. Perhaps it is tiredness, age, wisdom or something else but I'm beginning to think there maybe a better way, so I'm going to be experimenting with a couple of things over the next few months:

1. Training with lower rep ranges (4-6)
2. Manipulating volume and intensity to align with my menstrual cycle

The majority of my training plan for this bodybuilding contest is built around the moderate rep range (8-10), aimed at maximising hypertrophy and the higher rep ranges (15-20), for the muscular endurance phases. It has served me well for building lean muscle but there is no doubt that I have plateaued in both muscle gain and strength. My 10RM squat weight hasn't moved for the last 8 weeks.
Program design is a funny combination of science and art and involves a careful manipulation of: exercise choice, sets, reps (volume), rest and tempo. The "time under tension" that these variables create dictates the amount of progressive overload one is going to get. And yes....there is a VERY fine line between too much and too little - neither is good, but doing too little is probably a bit easier to rectify than a full on overtraining syndrome.

The Hypertrophy spectrum and how you deal with big quads!

The primary objective of bodybuilding is about sculpting - creating symmetry in the human form, so strength is not really an issue....but overload is. I'm probably the most unsymmetrical person I know, even my eyebrow has its own trajectory of growth. A combination of genetics and competing in a variety of sports has given me a good set of quads - and I can't quite see how these are going to downsize, so the other option is to create size in the hamstrings and upper body to balance this out. I also somehow need to cultivate another 4 "abs" to keep my 2 -pack company. If all else fails, I'm just going to get creative with the spray tan and draw it on. So "selective hypertrophy" is what I need. I'm not even sure that's possible but hypertrophy - yes. 

Muscle physiology is not my area of expertise and there are scientists who do a much better job of understanding it. In simple terms, you can get hypertrophy both in the contractile (actin/myosin) and non-contractile elements of muscle fibers (myofibrillar and sarcoplasmic hypertrophy, respectively). 
In myofibrillar hypertrophy there is an increase in protein synthesis in actin and myosin that comprise the cross bridge cycle; and an accompanying increase in diameter of the muscle's contractile elements. 
Sarcoplasmic hypertrophy refers to an increase in the cytoplasm that surrounds the muscle fiber, so the volume of the muscle increases. This type of hypertrophy is not associated directly with gains in strength. In reality, it is difficult to get one without the other as hypertrophy occurs on a spectrum - but certain loads (and consequently rep range) will stimulate the contractile or non-contractile elements better. 

For example: As a very general guide, maximal voluntary contractions are essential to recruiting motor units to develop force. So high load (85% +1RM)  and lower rep ranges (1-6) work well to build strength but not necessarily mass, whereas moderate rep ranges (6-12) with submaximal loads (70-84%1RM) work well for inducing size. If an athlete needs to get strong but not bulk, they may want to spend less time in the moderate rep range and there are various ways to structure a training cycle to make sure that can be safely done but I'm not going to talk about that here.

Wandering into unknown territory

My theory is straying into lower rep ranges (4-6) that are fairly unknown to me may well have positive adaptations in both strength and size. Because of a higher training age and ability to tolerate high load relative to my body weight, I don't anticipate too many musculoskeletal problems but I wouldn't recommend this for a beginner.

I hypothesise that the success of this high load training may work best if timed with natural testosterone and oestrogen peaks, when motivation is at it's highest. There are few good graphical representations of female endogenous testosterone throughout the menstrual cycle - because the range is so large and determining baseline levels is difficult, but I have included an image from a study looking at hormonal predictors of sexual motivation in natural menstrual cycles! Amazing where you can find information! I've also included a "wiki" image of a typical oestrogen profile.

There is an assumption that testosterone is converted to oestrogen via the enzyme aromatase; testosterone peaks occur prior to oestrogen peaks (this has been debated as some studies show a continued fluctuation pattern). These peaks would occur prior to ovulation (primary) and towards the end of the luteal phase (secondary) - so perhaps prior to ovulation is the time to schedule heavier lifting; more testosterone = more motivation, which is critical if one is aiming for failure in a set. Of course this is not a comprehensive overview of all the hormones implicated in performance, but intuitively this feels like a good time, in terms of morale and physicality. (OK...there is a slight risk of decreased "stiffness" in tendons associated with peaking oestrogen but we shall see).

Estradiol (main variant of oestrogen in reproductive years) during menstrual cycle

Mean testosterone, estradiol, and progesterone concentrations aligned against  estimated day of cycle (day 0 represents the estimated day of ovulation)

The plan is to do 3 sessions/wk of heavy lifting (45mins total), 2 conditioning sessions + steady state cardio for 2 weeks (pre-ovulation) followed by a pre-menstrual "deload" week, where total volume is decreased by 30%. I'm going to try this for a 4 - week training cycle and then back to moderate repetitions (8-12). My hope is strength will filter into this rep range so providing an adequate stimulus to adapt in this rep range as well. The joys of theory and then.....the reality!

I'm also experimenting with doing more cardio sessions at the beginning of the "prep" phase when energy levels are still high. In my mind, in an ideal world I'd be ready 4 weeks out so I just "coast" and tweak slightly. I'm envisioning a comatose state towards the end of this journey so brushing hair and putting on trainers will be the bulk of my training!

Pre-menstrual training - a survival mechanism for self and loved ones

So much of training is trial and error..tears, laughter and learning one's limits. Sometimes the illogical works and and the logical doesn't. Working with one's psychology and physiology seems to make perfect sense. This is where the anecdotal might just work as well as the pure science as we are all so different. One size doesn't fit all when it comes to training and my energy waxes and wanes regardless of cycle but I am hopeful that this approach might just make life a little bit easier on everybody come that time of the month!

Tuesday 18 March 2014

When things go wrong in bodybuilding

“When things go wrong, you'll find they usually go on getting worse for some time; but once things start going right they often go on getting better and better.” C.J Lewis

The above quote is not exactly inspirational but it is probably true - thank goodness for regression to the mean!

Things are getting worse

The Bodybuilding Challenge hasn't actually gone wrong but it is most definitely proving to be much more challenging that I had thought. Since I started the diet 4 weeks ago I have had an amalgamation of a common cold turn into a nasty bronchitis, a urinary tract infection and toothache. Oh yes and perhaps one more, the worst imaginable PMS which has sent anyone I know running for the hills. The first month, the plan was to moderately introduce carb cycling; 2 days low carb (65g per day) followed by an intermittent high carb day (180g per day). (This is based on my body weight of 64kg). On high carb days, dietary fat is kept to a minimum and on low carb days, protein levels are very high. The diet is supported by good fats and supplements throughout (Immune support, BCAA's, Greens/Spirulina, Glutamate, Omega 3,6 etc etc). 
I actually lost very little weight on this variation so it either wasn't enough of a stimulus to the metabolism or training volume was reduced from being ill. I moderated volume and intensity but I did try and maintain some form of training throughout. 
So...that wasn't great for morale. What I have noticed over the last 6-8 weeks is I have really lost my joie de vivre - "cheerful enjoyment of life; an exultation of spirit". Whether it is the diet, fatigue, being ill or just the stress or everyday life that is the main contributor I don't know. But I expect it maybe something a bit more subtle. 

You can't take the hills out of the girl...

Since I finished Project 1: The Fan Dance, I stopped doing all my endurance march training. My fellow bodybuilding advisers/friends nearly fell over in horror at the thought of me doing so much "cardio", as the main aim is to increase lean muscle mass and stay away from a catabolic state as much as possible. And the thing about excluding the very thing that you love is, it takes away a little bit of your spirit as well. 
Wandering around the Brecon Beacons, camping out, often on my own is the one thing I love to do. It renews my energy like nothing else can. So, that is exactly what I decided to do this weekend. I jumped in my car first thing in the morning and drove out of London. I was so excited to arrive, I drove full speed into a bog in the one remaining car space (I wonder why!). So this is a big thank-you to Jon the park Warden who pulled my car out - he didn't even blink at my stupidity which makes me think he must have seen this London style "gun ho" arrival a few times before. Still, it wasn't long before the angst starts to leave you. I always marvel at the beauty of the Beacons, I never tire of it. 

In frame with my romanticising of this wonderful national park, I would like to say, once I set up camp in Talybont Forest and lay down, I slipped into a dream land of fairies and unicorns but actually I was terrified. It sounded like Jurassic Park outside my tent, there was a owl on amphetamines, a flying creature dive bombed my tent as another small "hoofing" animal decided to scrape at my front door all night. Anyhow, a spot of Armagnac and 2 sleeping pills seemed to do the the trick and I woke to a new day. I would be lying if I said I was refreshed but I was happy! Joie de vivre firmly reinstated. 

True happiness; a great book, coffee, sun and er protein shake!

I'm aware that my tent is pitched on a hill - but at least it was level ground!

Need I say more

We are all different and unique

One of the lessons learnt here, is even though you may enter into unchartered territory with a new sport and you feel overwhelmed, you know your body better than anyone else does - what motivates you, what training you respond to, what doesn't work. There are hundreds of bodybuilding formula's for diet and training and they are all right in theory - however only one or two permutations may work for an individual.

I lost confidence in my ability to judge how to do this project because I felt really out of my comfort zone. I put my progress in the hands of someone else probably too much. The guidance I have had has been fantastic but ultimately my instincts about what will work are probably reliable. I have an idea from the past 20 years of training of formula's which will work and then there is trial and error of this hypothesis. One very experienced bodybuilder at my gym, typically does the bulk of his cardio at the beginning of his prep, as this is when he has most energy, mentally and physically to do such training. He likes to be ready 4 weeks out. It goes against convention but it works for him. Many things I trial for myself and sometimes others, goes against convention but it works - it's just sometimes having courage of conviction to do so. 
So yes, the anxiety of partaking in a sport that I feel so out of my depth has become more consuming than I would like it to be. I will take some of this control back and reintegrate training concepts that I just like - more for my sanity than anything else. I will keep walking in the hills and I will do HITT training for cardio, not steady state cardio. 
I will jump rope, kettle bell swing and jump over boxes to add variety. It will not always be gym based weight lifting. I will work on a 4 week cycle, factoring in a de-loading week every 3rd week (reducing total volume by 1/3). 


Confidence often comes from doing well at something or at least feeling like you are on target with training. That relies on knowing the objectives and the goals. Bodybuilding is a subjective sport so you never really know what the judges want, but you have some idea. Different federations want different things and different body categories require different looks. Knowing that you can fulfil that criteria to the best of your knowledge for what the category and the federation require is a good start. 
I have been given advice to change federation from the WBFF (World Beauty and Fitness Federation) to the UKBFF (UK body building and Fitness Federation), because I don't have that commercial "Miss World" look that the WBFF look for - only 40% of your score is your physique, 40% is about marketability and 20% is stage presence. I do like a bit of fashion, but from the comfort of my sofa reading Vogue. Shopping is my idea of hell, I have tattoos, I don't have fake breasts and walk really well in my Louboutin - but for about 10m and then want to take them off. So those that give you hard hitting truthful advice, they are either your worst enemy or best friend. In this case, I think they are my friend. 

Know your goals, change strategy if you have to

I now have a better idea of what show might suit me better, how I want to get there and how I want to look. That has done no wonders for my morale. I will not deny my competitive drive and once a challenge has been set, I will endeavour to give it 100% but I do not want to win at all costs. This is not what this is about. The challenge is about doing a sport that doesn't necessarily resonate with me and turning it into something enjoyable and fulfilling, staying healthy, without developing serious narcissism and alienating everyone around me. It is about positivity and making the impossible seem possible with small steps and hopefully encouraging others to do so too. A small change in strategy and I am hopeful I can stay true to those objectives. If I can get up on that stage, tick the boxes the judges want, look the best I can and maintain my values, I will be happy. If not, the Sport is not for me. 

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Rhinestones, the contraceptive pill and performance...

It was a tough choice deciding what to write about this week. Having just paid a visit to Alex Davey the official costume designer for the WBFF show I'm competing in, I could write about how distraught I was at the realisation of how much "rhinestoning" I'm going to have to do and the COST of these things. A bikini will set you back £350 and with themewear can be up to £800. My dad loves a bit of DIY so perhaps I shall turn this into a family project with the glue gun. In my head, I have grand images of embellished designs and Mardi Gras; then....the reality where I look like the Tin man out of the wizard of Oz.
Believe you me there will be a rant coming on this. Interpret the selfie how you will, but in this particular case there was no one else around to document my DIY experiment. Thank goodness I don't rely on this for a living!

Sainsbury's push up bra and tin foil: £8.50
Proper WBFF themewear: £ a lot more!!

But for now....something a little more academic but useful.

The Oral contraceptive pill and performance

I've just spent the last few weeks sweating over my MSc project proposal. I'm very interested in the endocrine system and effects of training on hormone levels and vice versa, so I'm curious about the effects of the oral contraceptive pill on performance. Does it have an "enhancing" effect or a "negating" effect? Women choose to take the pill for a variety of reasons, so it isn't just for contraceptive purposes. My experience of taking the combined pill Dianette, was rather a lot of weight gain! Unfortunately that's not an uncommon problem, which is meant to be because it increases appetite. I'm not so sure it's that simple....Cyproterone one of the active ingredients is an anti-androgen. It prevents testosterone binding, which we know is implicated in decreasing production of adipocytes (fat cells) and promoting lean muscle mass. Had I have been better informed, I may have chosen a better variety, of which there are many.
My hormones are the bane of my life! My mood and physiology change much more than I would like; whether this is perceived or not, it feels very real and makes life and training sometimes a bit tricky! I also feel it's one of those unspoken miseries that many women silently deal with. This is part of the reason for my curiosity and why I want to do this study. I'm lucky I have some good people at Imperial College helping me; so I shall be standing on the shoulders of giants and all that!

My research questions

  • Do women using the oral contraceptive pill (OCP)and non users (non-OCP) athlete groups differ in their testosterone profiles (baseline levels, dynamic changes within a training session and across the menstrual cycle)?
  • Is testosterone related to functional performance and/or behaviour in the OCP and non-OCP groups, therefore providing a marker of readiness in athletes? 

From scouring the published literature, it would seem fair to conclude that the oral contraceptive pill reduces absolute levels of estradiol (the predominant form of oestrogen during reproductive years), progesterone and testosterone. (I haven't looked at the effects on other hormones such as Cortisol). It also minimises fluctuations of these hormones. Testosterone especially is known to modify protein synthesis in skeletal muscle and connective tissue, enhance muscle contraction signalling, and shift stem cell differentiation pathways away from forming adipocytes (fat cells); so it's effects on building lean muscle mass is important. Current opinion also favours testosterone being implicated in "motivation" and readiness to train, allowing one to push harder. This last point is increasingly being given weight and viewed as an indirect cause of increased muscle mass. If one can train harder, positive muscle growth adaptations are more likely to occur.  

Mean endogenous concentrations of estradiol and progesterone in non-users and users of OCP during follicular, peri-ovulatory and luteal phases of the menstrual cycle, units pmol/ml (Casey et al, 2014). 

The figure above shows the hormone profiles of estradiol and progesterone in women that use the pill and those that don't. There are few consistencies in data when it comes to endocrine research but this change in magnitude of hormone levels does seem to be one of few things that is repeatable amongst the research. In terms of testosterone, baseline levels in women are very variable but ranges of 0.42-2.94nmol/L are not uncommon to find cited in the literature. Most hormones will be bound to another protein. Testosterone is no exception, so there are different fractions you can measure: free testosterone (0.5-3%), albumin-bound (30-35%) and sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG)-bound (65-70%). It is hypothesised (and now argued) that only the "free" or bioavailable fraction are useable by the body. 

In women that use the OCP, there is often a documented decrease in circulating levels of total testosterone and free testosterone and an increase in the main binding protein SHBG. Contraceptive pills with second generation progestins and/or lower oestrogen doses have less impact on SHBG levels. 

The link below is a reference to a meta-analysis of 42 studies of 1495 healthy young women aged 18-40. 

I've always wondered at the magnitude of effect endogenous hormones can have on performance and mood. The data would certainly suggest that it could have a knock on effect to psychology and physiology.

Reading between the lines with the studies

However, there is no strong evidence to suggest that the OCP does affect strength levels and other performance indicators. You can search the literature over and over again but results are not conclusive. This is where the scientific method may not always hit the mark. Looking at the differences in methodology is vast and you can see:

  •  There are many ways of quantifying performance and fitness; aerobic and anaerobic fitness, muscle strength and power, flexibility, body composition.
  • There are many ways of quantifying strength and many different types of strength; maximum strength, speed strength (power), strength endurance, etc. Not all of these "lab" based tests are relevant to a sport.

There is also the issue of a "motivational" bias that goes along with doing a test. The very nature of being watched or doing a "test" for a study, means motivation is going to be slightly higher compared to a standard training environment. 

In addition how you measure hormones has big implications for how you interpret these studies. 
There are many ways to measure hormone levels using a variety of methods and sample types (mainly blood and saliva). The use of saliva sampling is peaking in popularity for measuring hormone levels because it is easy to use and saliva is thought to contain the "free" useable fraction of testosterone. 
However with all things scientific, nothing is ever simple!!! The "free" testosterone hypothesis is now being challenged, as it is thought there are definite but unclear roles for the SHBG-bound testosterone. 

Another good review, if interested:

All the studies I looked at had fairly variable methodologies and protocols so of course it makes comparisons very difficult. But it is worth noting, if you do pubmed this topic, to look closely at the methodology and what and how they looked at hormone levels and performance indicators. 

Common sense

My challenge with science is always trying to understand what papers can and can not say, what the common themes are and where there is no commonality. 
In fact because of inconsistencies in methodology, subject group, age, level of sport played, performance measure taken, fatigue, overtraining etc etc, it's really quite hard. This is where perhaps common sense has to be factored in.

I find most women that are into Sport or Fitness are relatively in tune with their bodies. They know when something is not quite right. Most understand their unique pattern of mood and physiology over the month... and er probably men understand this "coding"; PMS = xbox time. 
There are many different varieties of pill with different doses of oestrogen and progestin type and they may all work a little differently in an individual. Quality unbiased information is good, it allows you to make an informed decision, but then it's just trial and error. 

I lose the battle of control against my hormones, but there is something rather nice knowing they are mine; they are part of my slightly batty, eccentric personality. It also reminds me of a very important lesson; for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Manipulation of these things, will ultimately have a less good component that goes with it. Mother nature always wins in the end. 

Reference: CASEY, E., HAMEED, F. & DHAHER, Y. Y. 2014. The Muscle Stretch Reflex throughout the Menstrual Cycle. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 46, 600-9.

Monday 3 March 2014

Is being self obsessed a necessary requirement for success?

I've started to read a lot of articles and overhear people's dialogues where it is stated that "self obsession" and selfishness is a requirement for success in Sport. As a woman in my mid thirties and having the benefit of retrospect! I thought I would share my opinion.

I have in my past been horrifyingly single minded and overly driven to the detriment of everyone and everything else. Despite achieving some goals, the feeling of emptiness that accompanied those successes was overwhelming. I found it extremely easy to eliminate people and things from my life that didn't support my goal. So yes...selfish I most definitely was.
My lesson about balance came from a rather unfortunate head injury during a Thai boxing fight. It culminated in 2 years out of Sport and a complete loss of confidence and identity. Personally and physically it was a really hard time and it was the loyalty and steadfastness of good friends and family that got me though it. So I learnt that the inclusion of good people in your life, really is the meaning of life and considering we are the average of those we choose to hang out with, it is important to choose wisely!

I like to think with age and the hard lessons learnt, I have acquired a little more balance in my life and I am also greatly inspired by those that are successful but still maintain some degree of perspective and harmony in their lives because it's harder to do.

Sport to some degree is self selecting. Genetics with respect to anthropometrics plays a big role in certain sports. I'm a big believer in the impossible but running an elite marathon time, if you're built like a 20stone rugby player in all honesty is not going to be that easy. So, what attracts a person to a certain sport is complicated but usually involves a unique combination of physiology and mind set. However the "selfish mind" that is deemed essential to sporting success, I'm not convinced. Being determined and disciplined, yes I agree but overly self obsessed I'm not so sure.
One argument is self-obsession is really a consequence of not having enough other really good stuff in your life that actually matters.

Witnessing the "greats" in action

I had the privilege of training with some top athletes in a training camp in Kenya in 2012, before the London Olympics. Usually these camps are hard and shows someones true colours! Mo Farah was my room neighbour on one side and Paula Radcliffe on the other. Quite how I landed myself in that demographic I don't know. Mo Farah, married with an adopted daughter and now 2 new twins, was an absolute legend. Away from cameras and the media, you get a little glimpse into these peoples lives. Dining was communal and he would always make sure he shared meal times with a different table and group of people in the camp, including the er "less elite"!! like myself. He was relaxed, jovial and really encouraging to everybody. In fact he even let a fellow Somali, who couldn't find anywhere to stay, sleep in his room for weeks.
The same was true for Paula, although a little more reserved. In fact I can think of numerous examples who manage their life in a way that exudes perspective and giving. My dad is another. Extraordinarily bright and hard working but yet always managed to make time for his family.

It is a choice not a requirement

I'm going to use bodybuilding as an example because this is the Sport I'm doing at the moment and it is also one that has the reputation for being the most "narcissistic"! In terms of total training time - perhaps 2 hours a day during contest prep. Time to prepare food - this can be done in a day; shopping, cooking, prepping food for the week and taking supplements (my kitchen now looks like a meth lab).
That leaves quite a lot of hours left in the day. Granted there is a certain lack of energy that goes with the training, dieting, working and whatever other family and social duties one has, but there is a choice you choose to spend it. What you choose to occupy your mental space and what you choose to prioritise.

Of what I have observed of recreational athletes right through to top level Olympic Gold winners, is those at the very top, seem to have it right but those in the middle quite often don't! And so one could argue whether actually a sense of balance and the right supportive people around you are in fact a necessary requirement for success. Consistency and time (yrs) spent in sport is a necessary requirement and usually that goes hand in hand with resilience - being able to come back from disappointments, illness and injury. Having a good support group or partner is part of instilling resilience. And of course there is a comfort of sorts from being in a sport so long, so mentally switching on and off may become much more easy.

I would probably fall under the "middle road athlete" category but it has been a choice to learn the lesson and value those that are important to me. The number 1 reported regret of top coaches and athletes that I have spoken to, is that they didn't balance life better. So, perhaps there is something in that. My life is better for balance and in many ways it makes me feel more successful. Because so much of success is subjective anyway.... whether you think you can or you think you can't - you're right. "Feeling" successful is just as important as "being" successful!

One member of my inner circle - my geriatric labrador who has now taken to "shop lifting" all my contest diet food. Including salad.