Friday 18 October 2013

Before we begin - A little bit about motivation and the power of the excuse

I used to believe that heart, spirit, drive, hunger, motivation or whatever you choose to call it was enough to override fitness. In truth you need both in varying doses for most physical challenges, and both are trainable. I was once told some good advice when I was boxing competitively, that went along the lines of "you best have a really really good reason for doing this, because you will be faced with times when you are going to need to answer that and you will have to have a very good answer!" Very true.

And like all things, you can put a mathematical spin on it, where there is a direct correlation between exertion and difficulty answering that question!

Which brings me to the next observation of athletes and that is the "power of the excuse"! Generally people hate excuses but I have to say I smile when I hear a long list being reeled off for why a goal wasn't obtained. Perhaps the reasons are genuine or perhaps not, but above all, it reflects someones strength of self belief. They still believe they can do that thing and they have that hunger and the instinct to finish. It is when, the excuses stop that makes my heart sink. I have seen it a few times, when people lose that will to "fight", they don't want it enough and just ..... stop.

So my best advice before engaging on any arduous training and when you are lying face down in the metaphorical bog (for me that bog will be real!) is the following....

1. Have a very good answer for why you want to do it.

2. Make excuses! (for why you didn't achieve your goals).

I think my motivation for doing the sporting things I have done (and I have had to question this a lot) is more about understanding my own physical and mental limits. It is, as this blog sums up, an experiment about how training can change those limits. That is what I tell myself on a good day. On a bad day I just think I'd rather have a cup of tea and/or whisky (see below)!

Just give me a minute

I hope you can answer that question

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